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Linn-Pumpen GmbH

Immersion Pumps Series EPC - Peripheral Pump

These pumps are suitable for transferring clean liquids containing impurities measuring up to 30 micron. The hydraulic components, namely the brass impeller, scroll and cast iron pump body, allow the pumps to be used with emulsions and oily substances, glycols and liquids in general, as long as they are not oxidative for the construction materials. Viscosity must not exceed 3° Engler (21 CST).

The temperature of the liquid must not exceed 90° C.

They are usually used on:

  • Boring centres
  • Cooling exchanges

They should usually be installed on a tank, with a capacity in proportion to the flow rate, at about 3-4 cm. from the bottom. It is important to check that the maximum level of the liquid in the tank always remains 3 – 4 cm. lower than the flange (see figure).

For other usages you are advised to consult our technical office.


Components EPC 63 EPC 71
Pump body Cast iron G 20
Pumpendeckel Cast iron G 20
Shaft Steel C 40**
on request  
  ** AISI420

Performance n ≈ 2900 1/min

Typ kW Delivery head (H) m
in. nom. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
(P1) (P2) Volumetric delivery (Q ) l/min
EPC 63C 0,5 0,37 47 37 31 23 18 12 6 1
EPC 71B 1,2 0,9 62 56 50 44 38 33 27 22 17 12 6 1

Typ kW Delivery head (H) m
in. nom. 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
(P1) (P2) Volumetric delivery (Q ) l/min
EPC 80B 1,86 1,5 74 68 63 57 53 43 34 25 17 9
EPC 90A 2,28 1,8 78 72 67 62 57 47 38 30 23 15 8
EPC 90B 3,58 3 80 76 73 70 67 60 54 48 41 35 29 23 17 11
P1 Max. Leistungsaufnahme.
P2 MotorRated Power.

Dimensions and weight

Eintauchpumpen Peripheralrad EPC Abmessungen

type dimensions (mm)
A B C Ø D Ø E Ø F G H Ø I Ø L kg
EPC 63C 310 100 210 ¾" 98 100 130 185 115 7
340 130 9,2
390 180 9,4
440 230 9,6
490 280 9,8
570 360 10,3
EPC 71B 360 100 260 ¾" 98 100 130 193 115 7
390 130 11,9
440 180 12,1
490 230 12,3
540 280 12,5
620 360 13
EPC 80B 381 100 281 ¾" 98 100 130 200 115 7
411 130 15,6
461 180 15,8
511 230 16
561 280 16,2
641 360 16,8
EPC 90A 435 115 320 ¾" 98 100 130 220 115


465 145 17,5
515 195 17,7
565 245 17,9
615 295 18,1
695 375 18,6
EPC 90B 460 140 320 ¾" 98 100 130 220 115 7
490 170 30,6
540 220 30,8
590 270 31
640 320 31,2
720 400 31,8


Eintauchpumpe Behälterpumpe Einbauschema Typ EPC