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Linn-Pumpen GmbH

External-gear-pumps series D with mounting bracket

Self-priming external gear pumps are designed for industrial applications. Positive displacement pumps with a wide range of capacities. Suction- and pressure-connections Whitworth pipe threads - opposite 180° (Series D5xx also available with SAE-flange).

Industrial applications, for example:
Lubrication systems, coolant feed in machine tools, heat transfer, test bench and many more.

Example of liquids suitable for transport
Pure, non-explosive liquids, not corrosive against pump materials, without any solids. The liquids to deliver, must have lubricating characteristics. Oil, mineral oil, synthetic oil, adhesives, sealants, polymers, diesel, paints, inks and many more

Operating conditions
Liquid temperature: -20°C up to +60°C (NBR)
Ambient temperature from -20°C up to +40°C
Operating pressure max. 100 bar
others on request

For example: hydraulic motor, electric motor
drives without axial / radial forces on the drive shaft

Gear-Pumps Series D

Gear pumps series DU with integrated pressure relief valve

The pumps series D optionally available as series DU with circulation valve in the pump head

Schnittzeichnung einer Öl Förderpumpe

External Gear-Pumps with mounting brackets - Series D - sectional drawing


Components Materials on request
casing and cover cast iron - EN-GJL-250 - (GG25) ductile cast iron (GGG40)
shaft steel  
gears Steel, hardened and grinded  
bearing bushes composite bearings  
shaft seal Sealing ring NBR FPM, PTFE, GLRD, packing gland
mounting bracket Aluminium  

D1xx Performance n ≈ 1450 1/min

type cm³/U pressure
bar 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
capacity / required drive power (kW*)
D 1-017 0,12 l/min 0,17 0,14 0,10 0,09
kW* 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008
D 1-06 0,43 l/min 0,60 0,55 0,50 0,40
kW* 0,007 0,014 0,021 0,029
D 15 0,85 l/min 1,15 1,10 1,05 1,00 0,90 0,80 0,60
kW* 0,014 0,027 0,041 0,055 0,080 0,11 0,14
D 17 1,2 l/min 1,60 1,55 1,50 1,40 1,30 1,10 0,90
kW* 0,019 0,038 0,057 0,076 0,11 0,15 0,19
D 110 1,8 l/min 2,30 2,25 2,20 2,10 2,00 1,80 1,60
kW* 0,027 0,055 0,082 0,11 0,16 0,22 0,27
Valid for hydraulic oil with 35 mm²/s at 50 °C Oil-Speed: max. 1,5 m/s suction side, max. 4,5 m/s pressure side
Tolerance of capacity: +/- 3% * kW = required drive power in kW (without dissipation)

Dimensions and weight

D1-017 - F17

External Gear-Pumps with mounting brackets types  D1-017 to D17 - Dimensions

weight: 1,5 kg


External Gear-Pumps with mounting brackets - D110 - Dimensions

weight: 1,5 kg

D2xx Performance n ≈ 1450 1/min

type cm³/U pressure
bar 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
capacity / required drive power (kW*)
D 210 2,3 l/min 3,00 2,95 2,90 2,80 2,70 2,60 2,40 2,20 2,00
kW* 0,036 0,072 0,11 0,14 0,21 0,29 0,36 0,43 0,50
D 214 3,2 l/min 4,50 4,45 4,40 4,30 4,20 4,10 3,90 3,70 3,50
kW* 0,054 0,11 0,16 0,21 0,32 0,43 0,54 0,64 0,75
D 219 4,3 l/min 6,00 5,95 5,90 5,85 5,80 5,70 5,50 5,30 5,10
kW* 0,072 0,15 0,22 0,29 0,44 0,58 0,73 0,87 1,02
Valid for hydraulic oil with 35 mm²/s at 50 °C Oil-Speed: max. 1,5 m/s suction side, max. 4,5 m/s pressure side
Tolerance of capacity: +/- 3% * kW = required drive power in kW (without dissipation)

Dimensions and weight

D 210 - D 214

External Gear-Pumps with mounting brackets types D210 and D214 - Dimensions

weight: 2,5 kg

D 219

External Gear-Pumps with mounting brackets type D219 - Dimensions

weight: 2,5 kg

D3xx Performance n ≈ 1450 1/min

type cm³/U pressure
bar 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
capacity / required drive power (kW*)
D 310 5,1 l/min 7,40 7,35 7,30 7,25 7,20 7,10 7,00 6,90 6,80 6,70 6,60 6,50
kW* 0,09 0,18 0,26 0,35 0,53 0,71 0,88 1,06 1,24 1,41 1,59 1,77
D 314 7,1 l/min 10,20 10,15 10,10 10,00 9,90 9,70 9,40 9,10 8,80 8,50 8,00 7,40
kW* 0,12 0,24 0,37 0,49 0,73 0,97 1,22 1,46 1,70 1,95 2,19 2,43
D 318 9,1 l/min 13,20 13,10 13,00 12,80 12,60 12,40 12,10 11,80 11,50 11,20 10,80 10,40
kW* 0,16 0,31 0,47 0,63 0,94 1,26 1,57 1,89 2,20 2,52 2,83 3,15
D 323 11,7 l/min 16,70 16,60 16,50 16,40 16,20 16,00 15,60 15,20 14,80 14,40 14,00 13,60
kW* 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,20 1,59 1,99 2,39 2,79 3,19 3,59 3,98
D 328 14,1 l/min 20,30 20,20 20,10 20,00 19,80 19,60 19,40 19,00 18,60 18,20 17,70 17,20
kW* 0,24 0,48 0,72 0,96 1,45 1,93 2,41 2,89 3,37 3,86 4,34 4,82
D 333 16,7 l/min 24,10 24,00 23,90 23,80 23,60 23,40 23,20 22,90 22,50 22,10 21,60 21,10
kW* 0,28 0,57 0,85 1,14 1,70 2,27 2,84 3,41 3,97 4,54 5,11 5,68
Valid for hydraulic oil with 35 mm²/s at 50 °C Oil-Speed: max. 1,5 m/s suction side, max. 4,5 m/s pressure side
Tolerance of capacity: +/- 3% * kW = required drive power in kW (without dissipation)

Dimensions and weight

D 310 - D 323

External Gear-Pumps with mounting brackets types F310 - F328 - Dimensions

weight: 4,3 kg

D 328 - D 333

weight: 4,5 kg

D4xx Performance n ≈ 1450 1/min

type cm³/U pressure
bar 5 10 15 20 30 40 50
capacity / required drive power (kW*)
D 422 21,2 l/min 30,50 30,30 30,10 29,80 29,40 29,00 28,50
kW* 0,35 0,69 1,04 1,38 2,08 2,77 3,46
D 426 25 l/min 36,20 36,00 35,80 35,50 35,10 34,70 34,20
kW* 0,42 0,83 1,25 1,66 2,49 3,32 4,15
D 430 28,9 l/min 41,60 41,40 41,20 40,90 40,50 40,10 39,60
kW* 0,48 0,97 1,45 1,94 2,91 3,87 4,84
D 434 32,8 l/min 47,30 47,10 46,90 46,60 46,20 45,80 45,30
kW* 0,55 1,11 1,66 2,21 3,32 4,43 5,53
D 438 36,7 l/min 53,00 52,80 52,60 52,30 51,90 51,50 51,00
kW* 0,62 1,25 1,87 2,49 3,74 4,98 6,23
Valid for hydraulic oil with 35 mm²/s at 50 °C Oil-Speed: max. 1,5 m/s suction side, max. 4,5 m/s pressure side
Tolerance of capacity: +/- 3% * kW = required drive power in kW (without dissipation)

Dimensions and weight

D 422 - D 438

External Gear-Pumps with mounting brackets types D422-D438 - Dimensions

weight: 9,5 kg

D5xx Performance n ≈ 1450 1/min

type cm³/U pressure
bar 5 10 15 20 30 40 50
capacity / required drive power (kW*)
D 545 43,4 l/min 62,70 62,50 62,30 61,80 61,30 60,80 60,30
kW* 0,74 1,49 2,23 2,97 4,46 5,95 7,43
D 556 54 l/min 78,10 77,90 77,70 77,20 76,70 76,20 75,70
kW* 0,90 1,80 2,70 3,60 5,40 7,20 9,00
D 570 67,5 l/min 97,70 97,50 97,20 96,70 96,20 95,70 95,20
kW* 1,14 2,28 3,42 4,57 6,85 9,13 11,40
D 590 86,8 l/min 124,00 123,80 123,60 123,10 122,60 122,10 121,60
kW* 1,49 2,97 4,46 5,95 8,92 11,90 14,90
Valid for hydraulic oil with 35 mm²/s at 50 °C Oil-Speed: max. 1,5 m/s suction side, max. 4,5 m/s pressure side
Tolerance of capacity: +/- 3% * kW = required drive power in kW (without dissipation)

Dimensions and weight

D 545 - D 556

External Gear-Pumps with mounting brackets types D545-D556 - Dimensions

weight: 11 kg

D 545 - D 556 - SAE-Flange -

External Gear-Pumps with mounting brackets types D545-D556 with SAE-Flange - Dimensions

weight: 11 kg

D 570 - D 590

External Gear-Pumps with mounting brackets types D570-D590 - Dimensions

weight: 13 kg

D 570 - D 590 - SAE-Flange -

External Gear-Pumps with mounting brackets types D570-D590 with SAE-Flange - Dimension

weight: 13 kg